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Why Mimid?

The problem

Standard music players like Spotify and Apple Music are bad for learning songs by ear. That's because they don't have any way of skipping back a couple of seconds (without using the seekbar), and they don't have any way of changing the playback speed. Learning songs by ear is much harder without these two things.

YouTube is a bit better, because it does have skip controls and speed controls. But it still has problems that make it frustrating to use. For example, the smallest amount you can skip by is five seconds, and it takes four taps just to change the speed.

Then, there are music players that are designed specifically for learning songs by ear. These are often better than YouTube—but they still have their problems. For example, the buttons might be too small, or the speed controls might use a slider, or the design might just be plain ugly. They also require you to supply your own music files, which you might not have.

Finally, there are desktop music players designed for learning songs by ear. These are impractical for casual use, because you need to have your laptop or desktop computer next to you while you play. They also require you to supply your own music files.

The solution

Mimid solves all these problems. Mimid runs on your phone, doesn't need any MP3 files, and has an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface.

Why not Mimid?

Mimid is designed for casual use, so Mimid doesn't come with any advanced features like isolating different instruments with AI, or analyzing the chords that are being played, or even changing the pitch of a song.

If you need advanced features like these, then Mimid is not the right player for you.